Little Hints You Should Call A Mold Remediation Service
Posted on:
17 January 2022
Most people think of mold remediation as being for those who have entire walls covered in mold or full basements with an obvious mold problem. Indeed, if you have these issues, you need to call a mold remediation service ASAP. However, mold remediation services can handle smaller and more moderate mold problems, too. So, what are the signs you have a mold problem that you need to address?
Musty Odors
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Biohazard Waste: Protect Your Home After Bat Treatment Today
Posted on:
17 January 2022
If you recently treated or exterminated your home for bats, hire a biohazard cleanup company soon. Bats harbor a number of infectious diseases and organisms, including salmonellosis and parasites. Many of the diseases can pass to humans and other animals over time. Learn more about the diseases of bats and how a biohazard cleanup company can protect you from them below.
How Dangerous or Unsafe Are Bat Diseases?
Even if you used the best pest or wildlife control contractors in your area to exterminate the bats in your home, you still need to clean your house thoroughly afterward.
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